Fighting destiny, letting life happen on life’s terms

Exhaustion plagued every moment. She slept but was greeted with her mind’s twisted visions. On awakening, she never felt awake. She struggled through each day, being constantly pushed back into the grips of exhaustion. She was so tired. When would it get better? The loneliness had it’s claws around her. No matter how hard she … More Fighting destiny, letting life happen on life’s terms

New beginnings

A year ago her life felt hopeless. She was lost, adrift at sea. Today she has conquered many fears, faced her past, and branched out. She faces new challenges as mountains to climb. Hard work, yes, but the high of reaching the summit pushes her forward. She can and will conquer all challenges.

Now We Live

Dark memories, dripping through the cracks. Walls built up, starting to crumble. She was waking up. That look in other’s eyes when they asked her tale, the pity. She was once told she was “a brave soldier.” She hated that. She hated being told that. She wasn’t brave. She was like countless others who had … More Now We Live

Breathe—The cold hands of anxiety

Life can be overwhelming. The world is in chaos. Anxiety sets in, wrapping it’s fingers around her chest. Squeezing, suffocating. All-consuming, no way out. Cold laughter, it’s winning. Breath comes shorter, harder, shallower, more and more difficult. Vision fogs, brain stops functioning. Surely this is death. Must escape. This is not death. This is yet … More Breathe—The cold hands of anxiety